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Showing posts with the label daily planner

Back To Homeschool 2013

  It was back to homeschool for 2013 for my boys yesterday.  This year I have a child in year 2, a son in reception and a three-year old (and of course, the baby).  One of the benefits of homeschooling is being able to work to our own schedule. I do a bit of contract work during school terms so homeschooling during holiday times means we (I) can get a few weeks of pure homeschooling without juggling work committments. We began the day with our new homeschool daily planner . The boys were really keen to see their new morning boards which I had prepared. I even introduced a morning board for DS3 which is really simple as I made the decision to begin including him in our morning routine the best I can. The day went relatively smoothly except for meltdowns during music. Sadly, I've realised that I am not the best person to teach my children music. I am many things and one is a musician and I am really passionate about seeing them succeed in this are...