At the beginning of this year I sensed the need to relax in my homeschooling approach. I felt that less structure and more freedom would result in a more positive experience for us all. I can hear the more experienced homeschoolers saying, "I told you so!". The two areas that are important to us as a homeschooling family are: Freedom to explore interests, be creative and LOVE learning To develop self-discipline and ability to persist with difficult, unpleasant tasks to prepare them for life Initially, we trialled a very relaxed approach. But I found that although they were abounding in creativity they weren't being persistent and were giving up on tasks easily. It made me realise that in order to prepare them for the future e.g possible University life and work that they needed to learn self-discipline. In order to be successful the ability to be both consistent and persistent are important. So persisting through difficult maths questions or getti...
Our unexpected but amazing journey home educating 4 kids in the city - Australia