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Homeschooling On The Rise in South Australia - Article In The Media

This is my family as pictured in an article on homeschooling in the Adelaide Advertiser.

We look happy don't we? Laughing with joy as we learn together. It's true. We are happy. In fact, very happy to have the opportunity to be homeschooling.

However, this recent article pointed out that the current rise in home education is not due to parents recognising homeschooling as a valid way to educate a child but because so many troubled children are being kicked out of school. Apparently, there are hoards of unhappy parents being forced to homeschool their children because the department of education no longer wants them in their system.

My response is this:

I've met lots of homeschoolers and interact with many online and I have never once encountered one who homeschools because the department kicked their child out of school - not even one. I'm not denying these families exist but they are clearly the minority.

Many troubled children display troubled behaviors because they come from volatile home environments - hardly the appropriate environment for home education. It is also HIGHLY unlikely with the education departments strict assessment procedures in SA that many of these parents would be deemed appropriate to homeschool in the firstplace.

Isn't it possible that homeschooling is on the rise because more parents are recognising that it is an equally
valid way to educate a child?

I'm tired of the mainstream media painting homeschooling in such a negative light. How about an article that speaks of the benefits of homeschooling and debunks the myths about socialisation? How about making use of the copious amounts of academic research that suggest that homeschooling is a positive experience for children both academically and socially.

And while we're at it - let's break down the stereotype of the homeschooled family too!

Homeschooling provides an amazing opportunity for parents to tailor an education to fit their child's interests and abilities. It also provides a way for kids to develop social skills naturally without the negative influences of the unnatural social environment of mainstream schools.

I'm planning on speaking up - who's with me?


  1. I'm so happy to have read your response to this article! The article made me want to throw up! They've got it so wrong that it's ridiculous.

  2. I dont think the article is toooo bad. Its not great, but essentially the reporter just reported on what she was told. My issue is with the Flinders University primary school program coordinator Dr Barbara Nielsen. Who the bleepity bleep is she??? Ive never heard of her. She has never been along to any of the homeschooling events I have run over the years.

    Where is she getting her facts from. What a ridiculous thing to say. I would love to ask her to back up her assumptions with a few of these disgruntled parents of expelled children for a photo opportunity for this reporter to interview.

    Deep breath - ok, Im better now. Sorry to vent, but usually people that make these claims are the ones that dont know anyone that homeschools. Those that do usually have far fewer concerns.

    Great response Tara.

  3. I took my son home to learn because I found the light in his eyes dimming everyday he came home from school. Now, each morning, I find him happily singing and excited for what his day will bring, whether it is meeting friends, art and sculpture class, museum trips, or just a walk around the park. He is truly happy! (But then we mee family, and they ask him, why aren't you in school? Or you need school to be successful, and he starts to doubt if being home is right for him) I reassure him, he has the time to pursue and build what he loves, and he has plenty of time for finding his passions.

  4. It is disappointing for you to be pictured in a negative article like that. I don't know any child who has been expelled who is homeschooling but there are a number up here who have started because of bullying, poor results etc. Having some interaction with the Child and Mental health unit here, I was not surprised when they mentioned that a number of high schoolers who come to them, then go on to some form of home schooling in an effort to continue their education.


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