To build strong character in my children believing that good character is more important than academic success

Children are not born with a set of values and beliefs about the world - they are taught. This means they do not always naturally become kind, patient, content and diligent - they need to be guided, gently corrected and encouraged to embrace the kind of virtues that God desires within us.
I find this a challenge with my incredibly spirited, strong-willed children (yes, all of them fit this description). I have often allowed myself to feel discouraged and disappointed in their behavior rather than see it as an opportunity to teach and shape their character.
Another benefit of homeschooling is that we can encourage these virtues all day - not just for a few hours in the evening after a long school day. When we see our child display these virtues we can encourage them and when we see an opportunity to correct we can also do that before it becomes a habit.
Although developing character is a life long process, we choose virtues is a great introduction or supplement to any character study and great for helping kids remember key ideas and memory verses. We have done character studies before but the use of characters for virtue such as 'feather heather' really help kids connect with the ideas and remember the. They have been much more interested and engaged using these tools than with any other character study we have done.
We are really enjoying these character studies and the reinforcement during the day has flowed quite naturally from the lessons in the morning. You can select to to teach them as biblical virtues with additional bible heroes and bible story reinforcement or you can just teach the virtues alone so they are a fantastic resource for both Christian and secular families.
I am especially interested in this product because it is an Oregon based company and I used to live in Oregon!!
ReplyDeleteI believe that too many children are being raised today without a core of basic beliefs and standards. From the research I've done this product seems to really drive home the character traits that my husband and I believe to be MOST important!!
ReplyDeletejust found your website! I look forward to reading it. I have been eyeing We Choose Virtues for a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteWe have five children, that we love to homeschool. Ages 4,7,8,10,and 17. without the lord, virtues and character building where would we all be. It is so important for a peaceful, happy household,and happy people. Goodness modeled and shown to other people in real life outside the home as well, impact other people in a way that you may never know. You may have just made someones day by doing a kind act, or even just because you or your children smiled at them. Share the virtues you have and have learner:)
ReplyDeleteA Godly character is more important to our family than worldly success. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteCharacter is what makes us who we are. I'd love some help guiding my children in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character into my children is important to me because it's my will help them be successful in brings glory and honor to God.
ReplyDeleteTeaching my children character will prayerfully help them to become God-loving individuals and that will his love will shine through them to others.
ReplyDeleteWould love to win! Thank you for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI just recently found We Choose Virtues through another homeschooling mom. I love them and think they'll be a valuable tool in helping to build godly character in our children. As a parent, my goal is to build up my kid's faith in God, instill godly character in them, and then teach them the academics. If I can teach them to prioritize God in their lives now, they'll be more likely to do it for themselves when they're on their own.
ReplyDeleteI believe building good character from the beginning gives them a good foundation for their future.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character is so important to me because I believe any lesson, trait, or value I would want my sons to possess starts with their character.
ReplyDeleteWould love to have these. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIf we don't teach them what is right, they will think the wrong things their peers do are actually the right things to do :D
ReplyDeleteTeaching virtues is important because in the end, it won't matter if they knew reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic, but how they treated others...and how they lived their own lives.
ReplyDeleteWe just ordered the Virtue Clues and got them in the mail this week. My boys are already constantly going to the cards and reminding each other and us of what they say (in a nice way). We need more! We'd love to win these!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this set and use it to instill character & inspire and encourage my daughter to choose good virtues over bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteBecause character is the thing that really matters. It's what we get heavenly credit for ;)
ReplyDeleteSimply, It builds a better adult.
ReplyDeleteIt is as important as academics to our family. thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteIt is important to our family to teach good character.
ReplyDeletenicole m.
I want my children to be adults with character and it needs to be trained into them now. Plus, it's a help for them to be children of character now!
ReplyDeleteI feel like building character is important because so much of our lives hinge on our good character.
ReplyDeleteme me ME!
ReplyDelete[cough cough] Of course I meant to say "Me, please. I would love to use these and raise my children to be more polite than myself!"[at]
Character building is just one of the steps in developing life long followers of Christ who make an impact on this world.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character in my kids lives is important because it will affect every aspect of the rest of their lives (as well as the lives of their children).
ReplyDeleteWe have 5 boys ...need I say more? :-) We need all the help we can get!
ReplyDeleteI think through building character traits we help to form the adults our children are to become. I have seen first hand and have worked with children were not taught about character traits. It is very difficult for them to function normally and interact with others appropriately.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character is an important part of life and anything that helps with it is great!
ReplyDeleteI have six sons and a daughter and in our everyday lives I try to instill in them character and values.I am always trying to show and teach them respect for each other and for themselves. FOr some of my chidren it is easier for them to learn and othrs its harder. Having the virtues program would be a wonderfu blessing for our school day and everyday lives.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win these cards to help my children build character. Thanks so much for the opportunity!!
ReplyDeleteIt's important because your character places an important role in every area of your life.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character is essential because it can open up doors for you - personally & professionally. I would love to win this packet which will help me raise my children up into responsible adults.
ReplyDeleteIt's easier to build a child than repair an adult.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character within my children is important because this world needs people with good character to be an example.
ReplyDeleteBecause without virtue, a child is lost in a jungle of unclear ever-changing options.
ReplyDeleteMy children (adopted internationally) have been through much trauma. I want my children to be washed with the Word and grounded in godly character. True living and healing begin with Jesus. Godly character is His healing balm in action for one another. Thank you for your consideration.
ReplyDeleteBuilding character is important to help them negotiate the world and to help them to stand up for what they believe in even when others challenge it.
ReplyDeleteThese would be really nice :) At the moment my 5yo seems to be picking up lots of bad habits from who-knows-where, she's attended a wonderful Steiner school with an amazing sense of community and good values, but somehow some bad values are filtering from somewhere, to the point that I will probably put my foot down and pull her out and homeschool her as was my original plan. Even if I don't win these, I will still look into them, they seem such a good product
ReplyDeleteCharacter bulding is important to me to teach my children becauseI believe that character is what sustains you especially when you have to swim against the tide. Having said that with high spirrited children in the every day grind it is easy to become disscouraged. So thank you for the encouragement and the oppertunity to win we teach values.
ReplyDeleteThe world we live in is so scary. We need to equip our children with the Word and build up their characters now before they need to face the world on their own.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reviewing and a chance to win!
I'm going to be in serious need of some good homeschooling materials in a few short years. Hint, hint!