Say what? Socialisation is a benefit of homeschooling? Aren't all homeschoolers weird and unsocialized? Since homeschooling, I've discovered the home education community is very diverse and yes, there are children who display some unsavoury, unsocialized behavior at times - mine included - but you find children like this everywhere. Yes, even in schools. Sometimes parents are motivated to homeschool because their child struggles socially in mainstream school. Perhaps they are different, with a learning disability or giftedness or perhaps they are extremely introverted and shy. So, you may find that some parents homeschool BECAUSE their child is socially awkward. I t is not that homeschooling causes social awkwardness but moreso, that homeschooling becomes a solution when a child's self-esteem is threatened by an experience in a negative social environment (school). So how does homeschooling benefit socialisation ? In order to answer this question ...
Our unexpected but amazing journey home educating 4 kids in the city - Australia